Sunday, March 15, 2009

Do You Love Photography?

Cover of book Meeting Ananda
The Deep Purpleness of Our Heritage

When I chose images for my little photo arts book, I found that my heritage quest and the explorations that I have made in Eastern North America matched up with some of the themes and discoveries that I have mentioned in my work, Meeting Ananda Bodhi - Heavenly Enlightenment .

Cover of photo book
More than a few images spoke to me, and in depth, about the profound history behind the religions of Christianity, Judaism, and even Wicca!

Perhaps you understand the micro photonic images in plants, or, like me, you can see where pigment or gem has come from, and what history it has been made to portray.
Most of my images are made for meditative spirits like you.

My first education was as a Material Artist, majoring in Metal Arts. Work over 45 years has sensitized my vision to understanding earth, and strolling through its mysteries and messages.

I hope that you will love these images the way that I do.
Deep Purple started with a little photo essay I made for my website, Herbs by Northdays Image. Although some of my herb study shows in the book, the name Deep Purple expresses a love of the spiritual in all things. My theme name comes from an early 20th century music score, and song, by that name, by Peter Rose.

My journey made me a pop-up mini-Publisher (albeit of my own work) and I am publishing my book, Deep Purple, under the name "Natural Light". It has a Canadian ISBN number, although it can be obtained from the book manufacturer, Lulu, an US firm. also lets you download an online version of a photography book. My download price for 100 pages of images is half that of the printed work.
One of most delightful discoveries I have made about becoming a Canadian publisher is that you do not pay a company to produce a library number (ISBN) for you. Instead, you donate several copies of your work to a government library for Canadiana. It is really very charming, and I am (for once) delighted with the Government of Canada!
You can find my work on, either in the books' description page, or on my Lulu storefront.LINK TO: Deep Purple, to view the book description.

If you have questions about the content of Deep Purple, or wish to comment about anything, feel free to add your perspective here.