Monday, December 01, 2008

Custom, Belief, Faith or Fanaticism?

At times I worry considerably about peoples' perception. Whatever they have learned from their parents,peers and their social or religious leadership, some people excel and love, while a very few seem to be incapable of relating to society without feeling and expressing hatred.
I live in civilized North America, or at least my value system perceives North American life to be civilized. in India, Hindu worshippers do not conceive of the carnage of our eating habits as less than nauseating, or just plain awful, because they are far more often strictly vegetarian.
I am vegetarian myself, and I must admit that my perception dwelt upon the edge of terror when I was young, even when it was at dinner with my parents.
My family has always believed in the regular square meal, but I remember (through the nausea) having panic attacks as I watched the tearing of drumsticks, or the bloody medium rare steak dripping from their imagined fangs.


Recent distress in Mumbai, India tore me apart. In fact, at one point I went to sleep with a tranquilizer to get away from it, although I was seized with the notion that if I just stayed tuned, I could, somehow help.

What I could see when I first heard the news on CNN is that somehow, one of the enormous crafts of yesteryear had dislodged one of the propellor blade functions, and that this had caused tremendous pain toward some people in an ashram. Nuns?
I imagined the many terrorists abreacting in the fear that machines of mass destruction had been turned upon them.
In the meantime I learned that the ancient paths of earth to which some of these early craft have been attached and aggrandized had temporarily trapped a couple of local scientists, who were injured very seriously. In my minds eye, I seemed to hear that, in India the "Culprits" hands had been retrieved.

Of course, those who were relating, who thought they had called in the terror event through being enormously distressed, also heard that people here had suffered misfortune from the same: whatever passive and careful engineering could have been made in the deep past, it is now, after thousands of years, too large and unwieldy to work with all at once, and possibly too rich in fossil gas to be anything but impossibly lethal to the worlds' stasis.

I admit that I have worked with trapped people for years, and that in the past few years I have had distress calls from areas in space. Land masses sometimes jet into space, and we also see large masses dropping back down to earth at times.

It was a bit easier when our astronauts were mining and ecologizing meteorites, which threatened earths' surface, but I am very sure that populated areas or areas that might be in the process of being mined, underground have, actually taken off.
The result can be that a lot of people die, starve, or are grievously injured, but the universe does tend to fit everything back the way that it should be , for the most part.

What I may have perceived of one of the terrorists' thoughts, if I was correct in my understanding that this person participated, is that a man believed himself to have been held prisoner for several years, with little food, water, or proper anything.He said he had just been a photographer.

Since this also happens in a cave system close by, sometimes, it is not surprising that some people go right stark mad, in the feeling that they have been unjustly persecuted. We are not all the intellectual equivalent of St. Paul or PM. Nelson Mandela, after all.

Personally, my feeling about how people perceive when starved, partially amputated, and to add insult to injury, brain injured by normal industry without mercy (no med care available) is that I must appeal to organized religion, the press, especially, and to the more charitably persuaded realtors in the world, to better inform the public as to what can go wrong with land. No, no-one is particularly organized, and yet there have been ecologists claiming that the world has twenty years to live.

Of course, I am like everyone else. I don't believe it. I don't want our house to devalue, so that we are stranded, financially, if we want to move. I realy, really do not think that the world will die in twenty years.

My belief system does include the idea, though, that there are people who are haplessly victimized by land accidents. Fundamentaly, there has been no respect for these souls- they might emerge wrinkled, horned, winged, filthy, cockless, limbless or blind. To the superstitious and downright ugly thinkers of this world they are the condemned and those "who must have fallen through the cracks". No-one knows what this expression means any more, because there are so many people who wish their station in life to seem superior to the "fallen", of whatever nature.

There is still some simple fool who, thirty years ago, believed under the duress of being incarcerated by some gopher or rabbit that he had been "promised a woman". When I was young he used to frighten me to death. What happens to peoples' minds?

The Scriptures prove that early Judaism (in actual Hebrew) offered education and a purse to lost earth victims, whereas those who have translated what is called The New Testament offer the more "modern" words: that these victims are to be given "welfare".
The difference in connotation between these ideas is, in North America incitement to riot. Not only does having 'welfare' attract right warriors of varying states of decrepitude,but it shames people who are used to wealth into starched anality, let alone abject violence.

I say, why not start with some education for people in case anything happens. Survival education, peace work in advance, plans for lost and extant weaponry, in case insanity happens.

I also believe in offering living joys and lovin' care to the victims of land disruption, although not when their diseases have taken over to the extent that they have organized violent procedures.

Personally, I have seen peoples' ego selves knocked out of body totally by sound warfare, as well as by insect or rodent infestation. I feel that, as often as conservative thinking claims that these disorders are too easy to replicate (in order to lighten sentencing after violent crime)therefore, the public should not be made aware of these alter-states, there are twice the situations where it has occurred naturally to unsuspecting and innocent human souls, not to paid murderers.

So, please, if you ever read this- recount something of survival lore and of safety technique to the next of your friends, and pass on some sense, in case it is land disruption that caused warfare (recently) in both Israel and in Mumbai, India.