Saturday, June 11, 2005

News! New Photolog -updated June 27/05

Hi to everyone!

Here is my new log:

In my new photolog (the regular was at : ) I can post hundreds of shots- most of them just our tours and musings, nothing spectacular.

Still, we get to see the world from through each others' sensibilities.

The Flickr log is free, just like the Blogger Spots upon which I can publish anything I want, here.

This is its' home page:

To get a Blog spot, go to or .ca, and look for the word "more" above search. click that, and register, through clicking Bloggers' logo, and filling in your profile, etc.

You can also link from Flickr to your Blog, and post images from your Flickr photos directly to your Blog, if you have a lot to say.

As journalists, you should be used to these sites by now. I wonder who affords the space. It is like a miracle!!

At the moment, my digital camera will not post to the monitor, and so I am frustrated.The camera is in repair, now.

My garden is lovely, though a little dull compared to last year. I lost quite a few plants.

Brent added a front deck, and I bought a glass umbrella table for it. I painted the deck, and have been laying a path next to it, plus landscaping a sort of beach and driftwood effect into the front garden. Except for painting the last layer on the deck trim, we are done the front. What an improvement.

I will post shots of our yard when it is all in glorious bloom.... I took shots of the deck path in progress, and will post these on Flickr.

I hope that you run into my darling daughter-in-laws' fave-rave new book- "You Grow Girl" (see the photo section of this BLOG) about urban gardening and all kinds of handy tips. It is really well-made and is into its second run after only three months in publication.

here is her site link:

her name is Gayla Trail. My sons' name is Davin Risk.
Their business site is

My photosite connects to both Gaylas' and my sons' exciting photo shoots. They are both really accomplished designers - photographers.

They had a gallery show of their photo work recently.

At the moment, I have renewed an interest in marketing my book, about following a radical Buddhist leader around, when I was a young woman. It's called "Meeting Ananda Bodhi- Heavenly Enlightenment".
I'm also cleaning and upgrading three of my websites, and took a week and a half off recently. It was so hot, I got a quarter of the work done that I wanted to. Oh well....

Hope to hear from you and about you via some photos or a Blog of your own,

Love from Sue