I have a lot to thank Google.com for. Thanks, Google, for the space, and the opportunity to have some news posted for friends. Thank you for great surfing and for the millions of fascinating images on your image search.
I live in Glencairn, Kanata, and I am a bit of a web fanatic. My sites are about design, medicine, and I also have an art folio. (Show and Tell stuff)
My favourite endeavours are to research alternative medicines and also, my new joy- posting a Photolog every couple of months.
I ran into Art Babych last year (prestige photographer and decent-sort neighbour, fond of yardsales) and was really excited to be able to send him my photolog news as of July 2004. It is charming to run into people who are still using the net for image, and not practice at more and more esoteric ways of presenting flatter and flatter text-only files.
Anway, my news will be the regular type familial news on this blog, so it will probably exist in case old friends like Pat from the US whom I have not seen or heard of since the sixties decide to followup on the daily diary- or whatever it will be....
Love to: Ron, Ian, Lynda, Grant, Brent, Diane, Connie, Pat,Davin, Gayla, Marg, Tad, etc....